Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Morning Song

Most mornings, part of my routine involves rolling on to my stomach and tucking my knees into my chest. I stay in this position for a good 10 to 15 minutes as I listen to the hiss of water from Deb’s shower.

During this time I fart.

I usually experience two expulsions; one reasonable fart that I like to think of as a cleansing bubble and then one I’ll refer to as Gabriel’s horn. Deb is almost always in the shower during the concert, but when she is in the room I sometimes explain what I’m doing by declaring, “I TRUMPET THE MORN!”

I’m telling you this because it’s Valentine’s Day. I thought this example would help you understand just a portion of what my wife endures each day. And despite this - each day she tells me she loves me.

I love her, too.


Anonymous said...

Just as long as you don't follow through.

bon bon said...

this is so romantic, it brings a tear to my eye...or it could be from the odor.

Deb said...

I love you, Gregory. In spite of everything!